Strain Review: Blue Dream

Strain Review: Blue Dream

Posted by Greener Things Staff on 22nd Feb 2024

Initial Thoughts

The everyday hustle and bustle of life can sometimes interfere with our ability to stay in the present moment. Blue Dream is a wonderous strain that can help remind you to focus on all of the bright prospects that life has to offer!

Appearance & Texture

There were big and chunky nugs that felt dense and had a wonderfully sticky texture once ground up. The smell had some wonderful floral notes with funky-citrus undertones.


Blue Dream is the perfect name for this strain due to its uplifting and dreamy effects! I immediately felt warm, cozy, and felt as though I was wearing some special rose-tinted glasses because of how shiny the world around me began to look. This dream-like state brought tons of giggles and kept me feeling uplifted without the intense crash at the end of the day. Be prepared for a nice lunch or dinner because your hunger will slowly, but surely, creep in on you as the day goes on!


Blue Dream is a great strain for those individuals looking to feel euphoric in the midst of their everyday lives. This strain will surely take you for a lovely ride and for fans of sativa strains, really warm you up inside!